AYSO Criminal Background Check Policy
AYSO Criminal Background Check Policy
Revised: Jan, 2021
Since January 1, 2001, all American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) Regions, Areas, and Sections are required to comply with the AYSO policy on criminal background checks. AYSO acts as the criminal background requesting entity unless specific arrangements have been approved in writing by the AYSO National Executive Director.
Any person wishing to volunteer in AYSO must complete an AYSO Volunteer Application Form in AYSO’s official member registration system each year, submit an esigned copy to the Region and consent to a criminal background check. The application form includes a Criminal Background Check Release. All requested information must be provided by the applicant, including Social Security number, driver license number (or other government issued photo I.D. if the applicant does not drive) and date of birth.
California AB 506
Effective, January 1, 2022, all administrators, employees and regular volunteers in California MUST have a one-time background check as approved by the California Department of Justice to exclude individuals with a history of child abuse. This form of background check requires live scan fingerprinting.
To clarify, a REGULAR VOLUNTEER is a person who has direct contact with children 16 hours a month or 32 hours per year, which applies to most coaches, referees, team parents, and board members who spend 2 or more hours on the field weekly.