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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

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New Coaches Start Here

Interested in volunteering as a new soccer coach, or recently volunteered as a first time coach?  Coaching youth soccer is a rewarding experience offering you a unique opportunity to enrich children’s lives. Our region provides you all the tools necessary to succeed as a coach, and no coaching experience is necessary – our high quality coach training staff will teach you all you need to know about coaching youth soccer.

How Do I sign Up To Coach?

Click register now located at the top right of the home page and then select head coach for your players division. Complete the volunteer information and reply to the email from Sterling Verified Volunteers. 

What Training Do I Need To Take?

As a coach, you are required to take the following  courses: 

1. AYSO Safe Haven. Can be found in AYSOU

2. Concussion Awareness. Can be found in AYSOU

3. Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Can be found in AYSOU

4. Safe Sport. Can be found under "Important information from AYSO"

5. Age Appropriate Coach Training. Whether you coach 5 year olds, or 17 year olds (and all ages in between), AYSO has a coach training course tailored specifically to the age group you coach. Our age-appropriate training techniques focus on the mental and physical abilities of each age group, within the context of player development. Coach training courses are offered on AYSOU

6. Live Scan. The regions hosts one Live Scan event each season. Volunteer are encouraged to attend. Contact the CVPA if you miss this event. 

When Do I Get My Team?

Once all three criteria have been met, we will provide you with your team’s roster.

Now That I Have My Roster, Can I Start Practicing?
Region 47 will provide you with the authorized “practice start” date at the coach meeting.  No team may practice before this date. And you may start practice on or after this date if you have been given a team roster. Specific practice requirements as follows:

Playground Division: No practice allowed. Region 47 uses a “Jamboree” format for this division. Fun soccer activities and games for all players occurs the first 6 weekends of the season.

6U Divisions: Teams may practice one day per week, and for one hour per practice.

8U Divisions: Teams may practice one  or two days per week, and for one hour per practice.

10U and above Divisions: Teams may practice two days per week, and up to 90 minutes per practice (total of 3 practice hours per week).

All practice times and availability are subject to permits allocated by Riverside Parks and Recreation. 

National Partners

Riverside Locomotion Tournament Sponsors

Region 47 Address

AYSO Region 47

P.O. Box 2308 Riverside 92516 
Riverside, California  

Email Us: [email protected]
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